vendredi 4 décembre 2009

The Singing Brakeman, une de plus!

J'en rajoute une, que j'avais oublié et je me demande comment j'ai fait, ça torche.

I went down to the corner, just to meet my gal,
saw her standing on the sidewalk, talking to my pal.
I strolled back to the bar room, to get another drink of gin.
Next thing I was reelin', rocking and drunk again.

Hay-ee-hay-hoo-a-ha-ha bo-hoo-hey-ho gamblin bar room blues

I kept drinking gin and ligour, to way up in the night,
(then) my pal came to the bar room, we had an awful fight.

I reached down for my razor, and we knocked around, but when I pulled
my pistol, I quickly smoked him down.

I went to see my baby, and met her on the way,
told her I had to leave her, told her I couldn't stay.
I went down to the station, stopped in at the bar,
there I met a policeman, riding in a motor car.

We both drank lots of liqour, that flat footed cop and I,
I thought he'd never leave me, Lord, I thought I'd die.
My baby came in to join us, and it began to rain, then I had
to hurry, hurry, to catch that midnight train.

I laid my head on the ballroom door, I never get drunk anymore,
I found my watch and my golden chain, I found my babys diamond ring.
Police, police, police, you're just as drunk as me,
I grabbed that all eight-wheeler, and went to the deep blue sea-ee.

4 commentaires:

McDoodle a dit…

J'aime ça Rimmie Jodgers!
Étonnant, il est disponible à la BAnQ.

Gomeux a dit…

C'est signe qu'ils font leur devoir, c'est un incontournable dans le genre, Rogers, au même titre que Guthrie.

Anonyme a dit…

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

Gomeux a dit…

Merci, now fuck off.