samedi 9 février 2013

Bon appétit, Monsieur Créosote

4 commentaires:

Mistral a dit…

Maître d' Ah, good afternoon, sir; and how are we today?

Mr. Creosote Better.

Maître d' Better?

Mr. Creosote Better get a bucket, I'm gonna throw up.

Gomeux a dit…

La suite s'en vient!

Mistral a dit…

Ouin. La suite. That's the whole point of the movie, ain't it? L'ai vu dès sa sortie. I was twenty, barely. Creosote was a far, far away chapter in the book of life, I could laugh my young tight ass off without the slightest hint of reservation. Today, well, you know... I'm him. I'm there. I'm his age. I eat like a garbage truck on a friday night run in Chinatown, I drink like Boston and Dublin put together on St Paddy's day, and I do it alone amongst people, fed up with just about everything without really realizing it or understanding why, kind of wondering if this is it, all of it, or if there's something next...

La suite s'en vient? Please make it good...

Gomeux a dit…

On travaille là-dessus.